Sunday, August 31, 2008

$0.01? Seriously?

So, D and I are off on another random road trip (yesterday's excitement really started when we saw a black bear run across the road right in front of us). Having reached destination #1 last night around dinner time, we thought we'd treat ourselves to a little slot-machine action and then grab some dinner. Yay! Slots! Gotta luv 'em... you get the thrill of gambling without risking large sums of money (which is good, because we don't HAVE large sums of money ;) ).

So, we played the machines for a while and won ourselves a tidy little bonus.

Now, for those of you who haven't played the slots in a while, around here, they've moved away from tokens (thank gawd, those things were hideously filthy) and now have machines that print out vouchers for your winnings. This means that you don't have to go see the cashier to collect your money from the machines any more, either... they have machines scattered through the hall which you feed your vouchers into and it spits out real money.

So... we're on a high from having more than doubled our money for the evening and we head to the nearest cashier-machine. There's a woman ahead of us, but we're still thrilled about our haul, so we just did a little happy dance in line. Until we heard the coin drop. Literally. One coin. A copper one.

Yes, boys and girls, this woman had a voucher for $0.01. Ok, so maybe she just didn't want to see ALL her money go down the drain into the casino's pocket... I get that. BUT, the only way to end up with that kind of voucher is if you're playing the penny slots... so why not just give the darn thing that one last spin?

It gets better. She had several vouchers that she was cashing in. The highest denomination, though, was $0.30. I think in total she walked away from that machine with about $0.60 from about a half-dozen vouchers. But man did it feel good to go up after her and walk away with paper!

Our seafood dinner was lovely... and effectively paid for by the house, since we dug into our winnings to cover it. :)

And now... off on another adventure in the Wilds of Ontario.

(still waiting for the go-ahead to discuss the other topic on here)


Michelle Hopp said...

Sounds like you two had a fun weekend! Was it a camping trip? :)

celtic_kitten said...

Umm... if you count hotels as 'camping' ;) Nah, just a 'quasi-spur-of-the-moment' road trip. Quite the adventure :)