Thursday, June 28, 2007

disclaimer (ok, afterthought)....

Just a disclaimer/afterthought/whatever you want to callit for my earlier post (below)....

I am fully aware of the increased liklihood of mistakes and such in understaffed situations or 'new to the job' situations (heck... I'm new to my job and came from one where we were understaffed for the amount of work and deadlines involved).

The irritation expressed was not so much because this guy fouled up. It was his shrug-worthy, apathetic response when called on it. The shrug of "oh well" was practially audible over the phone when I spoke with him. THAT is just not cool... at all... in a business that's theoretically client-focused to be told you fouled up and as a result had a potentially significant negative impact on the client experience and to respond with a shrug? Nope... not cool.

and THAT, ladies and gents, is the real source of my irritation. The fact that this came at the end of a very long day when I really just wanted to come back from my meeting, make 4 clicks, send an email and get home 20 minutes later than normal, and instead had to do a mad scramble and end up over an hour later than normal getting home to fix something that should have been fixed well in advance of my end-of-day meeting had I but known when it was actually done was a secondary irritant.

And if you haven't read my other post... you're now possibly confused... go read it *laugh*

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