Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Rant alert! Take cover!

I’ve had enough of people.

Well, ok, perhaps that’s overstating things a bit.

I’ve had enough of people who want things done by a deadline, but won’t provide the things needed to make it happen. I’ve had enough of people who change their requirements umpteen times before deadline, but still expect everything to be perfect.

I’ve had enough of people who go through the motions of being team players, but aren’t really.

I’ve had enough of people who won’t let the past be the past and move on. I’ve had enough of people who will quote phrases about the importance of being as nice as possible to as many people as possible whenever possible, but make a point of being pointlessly cruel. I’ve had enough of people maligning me and attributing statements and characteristics to me that are neither flattering nor true.

I’ve also had enough of people who think I’m the only person on the planet who denotes actions in text with the use of asterisks (e.g. *rolls eyes*). Heaven forbid I should adopt a trend popular in other parts of the online world than their own little universe. I’m sorry if you find it annoying, but wake up to reality… it’s not just me, and frankly, it’s a hell of a lot less annoying than 17 little happy faces doing whatever is applicable (laughing, winking, rolling eyes, spitting water, puking, whatever). One, people. One is usually enough.

I’ve had enough of hypocrites, slackers, and people with their heads up their asses.

And now I feel better ;) <-- see? Just one. Gets the point across just fine *laugh*

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